Welcome to Log Cabin Connection! This is a collection of tips, advice, and resources pertaining to cabins and log homes gleaned from years of experience as a licensed contractor and log home builder in the mountains of western North Carolina.

Our aim is to provide a complete compendium of ideas and best practices for everyone intrigued by log home living. We will follow the process of achieving your dream of living in your own log home from start to finish.
Log Cabin Connection is a one-stop resource for questions, guidance, advice, and practical step-by-step instructions for your log home needs.
Spend some time looking around or search the site using this search box:
Planning The Perfect Log Home
All great journeys begin with the first step, and this can be the most fun of all as you dream about the perfect cabin design and begin to make preparations by buying land for your cabin.
Do you see this as your long-term home? Consider universal design ideas that would allow you to retire in your cabin.
Learn about the different styles of logs used to build cabins and how you can save money right from the start with clever cabin design tips.
Are you concerned about how you can finance a log home? We’ll cover:
- log home construction loans
- log home lenders nationwide
- mortgage money-saving tips
- log home insurance
- log home financing primer
- understand the cabin mortgage loan process
We provide you with cabin floor plans as well as options and resources for online cabin plans. Or design your own cabin using log home design software that provides 3-dimensional views and virtual walk-throughs.
Building Log Cabins
When you’re ready to begin building your log cabin, you can turn to this section where we cover all the best building practices and share the building tips we’ve learned building cabins. We discuss log home building tools and log home building schools. We cover everything from cabin roofing to SIPs to choosing the best cabin ceiling fans.
If you’re interested in cabins, you’re probably already interested in green living.
- we show you how to green build your cabin
- we offer the best green building tips
- we explore the energy efficiency of log homes
- we show you how to use solar power in your cabin
Some people will be interested in building with a log home kit so we share what to shop for, and discuss log home manufacturers, cabin kits and what you can expect to spend, the new trend towards smaller log homes, and the surprising value offered by modular log homes, including a prefab cabin construction timeline.
Log Home Living
In log home living we cover cabin decorating and rustic décor as well as log home interior design and specific design elements such as fireplaces, outdoor rooms and outdoor kitchens, iron railings, and cabin kitchen countertops.
Every home requires ongoing maintenance and log homes are no exception. To keep your log home in top shape we cover the issues unique to log homes:
- cabin maintenance
- log home landscaping
- spring maintenance tips
- log staining techniques
- fall maintenance recommendations
Should it get a bit run-down, we cover cabin repair and the more extensive log home restoration, along with ideas and checklists for cabin inspections to help you evaluate a cabin you’re buying or your own cabin.
Our section on cabin rentals covers what to keep in mind when renting a cabin, some great areas of the country to visit while renting, and some of the best honeymoon rentals available.
If you’re curious about the tiny house movement, you want to live off the grid with limited funds or you just want to enjoy the land you bought on the lake without building a large log home, check out our Small Cabin page for more information on:
- Small Cabin Power Generation
- How to Handle Your Small Cabin Water Supply
- Small Cabin Site Preparation
- Small Cabin Heating Choices
- Calculating Your Small Cabin Energy Needs
- Small Cabin Energy Storage
- How to Build a Small Log Cabin
Resources And Education
This section covers general topics, such as log home FAQs, a cabin glossary as well as a cabin restoration glossary so you can speak intelligently with contractors, builders, and other log homeowners.
Advance your log home education and learn something new through our virtual library, with recommended books and magazines, cabin book reviews to help you decide, assorted cabin articles related to log home living, and links to the larger log home community and fellow log home enthusiasts.
Do you have a log cabin story you would like to share? Please submit it on our cabin stories page and we’ll post it for everyone to read! |
Finally, if you have learned something here or like what you see we ask that you "Like" us and Share us on Facebook, tell your friends and consider advertising here if you offer a log home related service or product.
Wherever your personal journey may take you, feel free to step in along the way and join us as we explore all things related to log cabins.