Log cabin blogs, log cabin forums, and log cabin directories are a growing part of the greater log home community on-line. There are millions of people who are traveling along their own path towards their dream of living in a log home and they want to talk about it!

Exchange Ideas
You can find answers to questions that you have, share photos of your dream cabin, exchange links and ideas with other log-home enthusiasts and stay connected with what’s going on:
- log cabin building
- cabin vacation rentals
- log home design
- cabin financing
- maintaining a log home
- buying land to build a cabin
Keep up-to-date with new developments in the world of log cabins and log and timber homes. There are constant updates and improvements in products and practices crucial to log homes and you can stay abreast of these by monitoring the latest log cabin blogs, participating in on-line log cabin forums and doing your research using on-line log cabin directories.
Maybe you already have started along the path towards living in a log home and you have information to share. Other people have questions that you may be able to answer.
So join in and find out what you need to know and then pay it back by sharing the knowledge that you have gained. Strive to make your advice and recommendations as accurate as possible since that is what you would like to hear as well.
Ask Questions
You can ask focused questions about specific products like stains and varnishes, check on the reputation of log home manufacturers and dealers, search for a good builder and contractor in your area, research log styles and woods, and ask about the pros and cons of acting as your own general contractor on your project.
Listed below are links to some of the best log cabin blogs, log cabin forums and log cabin directories that I have come across. If you have questions, comments or others that you would like to add, please contact us directly and we can add them here for everyone to share.
Remember to add Log Cabin Connection to your favorites and check back frequently as we are always expanding our website and continuously adding new information, tips and practical advice from a licensed contractor and log home builder in the Smoky Mountains of western North Carolina.
Join in and participate in the greater log home community. Access the log home blogs, log cabin forums and log cabin directories to find and share information and inspiration. Take what you need and repay it with offering your own experience and advice.
Don’t forget to bookmark Log Cabin Connection and return often as we’re constantly updating and adding information.
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Use our website to further your journey towards your dream of log home living.
Ron Davis
I am trying to get a replacement cost for insurance on my 35 year old log home, builders that built it or no longer in business does anybody have any suggestions…thank you